What Are Second Early Potatoes?

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What Are second Early Potatoes?

Are you like me and didn’t know the difference between what second early potatoes were? Then in this article, we’ll talk all about them.

Second early potatoes are a type of potato harvested a few weeks after first earlies, but earlier than maincrop potatoes.  They’re grown in the same way as other potatoes and are often planted in early spring.

Second Early Potatoes

Where did second earlies ordinate?

Second earlies come from the Andes mountains in South America. They were brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 16th century and quickly became a popular food crop.

What is the best climate for Second early potatoes?

Second earlies can be grown in most climates, but they prefer cooler weather. They’re often planted in early spring, as the soil is still cool at this time of year. However, they can also be planted later in the season if the weather is cool enough.

What is the difference between second early potatoes and other potatoes?

Second earlies are harvested a few weeks after first earlies, but earlier than maincrop tubers. They’re usually smaller in size than other potatoes and have slightly thinner skin. They’re also more delicate and should be cooked carefully to avoid them from falling apart.

What are the best ways to cook second early potatoes?

Second earlies can be cooked in many different ways. They can be boiled, mashed, roasted, or baked. They’re also often used in soup and stew recipes. When cooking second early potatoes, it’s important to be careful not to overcook them as they’re more delicate than other types of potatoes.

Second early potatoes are a delicious and versatile type of potato that can be enjoyed in many different ways. With a little care, they can make a wonderful addition to any meal.

What types of second early potatoes are there?

There are many different types of second early potatoes, including:

 -Maris Peer



Each type has its own unique flavour and texture. second early potatoes can be found in most supermarkets. However, if you’re looking for a specific type, it’s best to check with your local greengrocer or farmer’s market.

No matter what type of first early potato you choose, you’re sure to enjoy the delicious flavour and versatility that they offer.

Chitting Tubers to get them off to a Good Start

Chitting is the process of encouraging your first earlies to sprout before planting. This can be done by placing them in a cool, light place such as an unheated greenhouse or windowsill. Once the potatoes have sprouted, they can then be planted in the garden.  Chitting potatoes is not essential, but it can help to give your potatoes a head start. It is also a good way to check that your potatoes are still viable and have not gone bad.

How to plant Tubers

When planting second early tubers, it is important to choose a sunny spot in your garden that has well-drained soil. You will also need to dig a hole that is twice the size of the potato tuber.  Once you have chosen a suitable spot and dug the hole, you can then plant the potato tuber. Be sure to plant it so that the sprouts are facing upwards. You should then cover the tuber with soil and water it well.

Second earlies can be planted from late March to early May. They will be ready to harvest from June to August.

How to care for Second earlies

Second early potatoes need a little extra care and attention to ensure that they grow well. Here are some tips:

– Plant second earlies in fertile, well-drained soil.

– Give them plenty of water, especially during hot weather.

– When the plants start to flower, give them a high-potash feed such as tomato food.

– Earthing up second earlies will help to protect the developing tubers from light. This also helps to keep the soil warm and moist.

– Second earlies are ready to harvest when the leaves start to turn yellow and die back. Carefully dig up the tubers and allow them to dry in the sun for a few hours.

Other types of potatoes (First Second and main crop)

As well as second earlies, there are also first early and maincrop potatoes. First earlies are harvested a little earlier than second earlier, from June to July.  Read our blog about the difference between First, Second and main crop potatoes.


Second earlies are a delicious and versatile type of potato that can be enjoyed in many different ways. With a little care, they can make a wonderful addition to any meal.

No matter what type of first early potato you choose, you’re sure to enjoy the delicious flavour and versatility that they offer. So why not give them a try in your garden this year?

Please make sure plants are watered regularly, especially during dry periods.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this guide helpful. Happy gardening!

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