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August Jobs on The Allotment

In this article, we will take about jobs on the allotment to do in August.

August on the allotment is one of my favourite months. Almost everything you’ve planned for, planted, and cared for in the last year comes to fruition this month. Hopefully, you will be fulling your boots with all your homegrown produce like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, chillies, carrots, peas, onion, and potatoes…. The list goes on. It also tends to be the warmest month of the year, so planning to be able to water, ventilate the greenhouse etc can be a bit stressful, especially working around any holidays you may have planned.

Here are a few jobs to keep on top of during this month.

Regular watering and weeding

Watering on a daily basis is very important, especially during hot dry spells. Weed growth should slow down during the hot spells but it’s still important to keep on top of your hoeing. The best time to water is in the morning or in the evening trying to get as must water down into the roots as possible.

Ventilate your greenhouse

If you have a greenhouse, August is the month to make sure it is ventilated as much as possible. Hot weather can cause problems. Open doors and windows and use electric fans if necessary.

Keep an eye out for pests and diseases

August can be a month when pests and diseases can really take hold. Check your crops regularly for any problems and treat them as soon as possible.

Harvesting Crops

Hopefully, if things have gone well, you will have an abundance of crops. It’s important to harvest regularly as this will stimulate more crop growth. Most vegetables are best harvested in the morning because they regain some of the moisture lost during the day.

August jobs on the allotment
Shop for Vegetable Trug

Turning Your Compost

The heat during the warmer month helps with the composting process but it’s important to turn the pile to add air to let the composting occur. If the pile is too wet this starts to compact the material, slowing down the whole process.

Click below to shop for a compost aerator tool

Keep an eye on your waterbutts

Make sure you have enough water for the August heatwave, as this is when you will need it most. Check for leaks and make sure the butt is full. Also, look out for signs of algae growth which can block the flow of water.

Dry out Onion, garlic, and shallots

Onions, garlic, and shallots are ready to be harvested when the foliage starts to turn brown and flop over. Once this happens you can dig up the vegetables and lay them in the sun for a few days to dry out or on a wire rack in a dry place. Once they are dry you can then store them in a cool, dark place.

Drying out onions

Pick Soft Fruits Regularly

August is the month for soft fruits like raspberries, blackberries, and currants. Make sure you pick them regularly to stop the birds from getting to them first. You can freeze them or make jam with your bounty.

Garden Maintenance

Make the most of the good weather, maybe you could get a coat of paint on the shed, lay on a new path, replace rotten timbers in your raised bed or have a good clear out of all the rubbish that collects over the year.

August is a busy month on the allotment but it’s also a very rewarding month. Make the most of the produce and enjoy!


August is a busy month on the allotment, but it’s also a very rewarding month. Make the most of the produce and enjoy The Good Allotment Life! August is the month when everything you’ve planned for and cared for comes to fruition. With a bit of hard work, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour all month long! August is also a great month for garden maintenance, so it’s a good time to catch up on any jobs you’ve been meaning to do. Make the most of the good weather and enjoy your August jobs on the allotment!