Petunia Hanging Basket

How To Make A Petunia Hanging Basket

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how to make a petunia hanging basket

For those who want to create a stunning addition to their garden, a hanging basket of trailing petunias is hard to beat. These beautiful plants come in a wide range of colours, from deep purples to bright pinks, and provide an eye-catching display all season long. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create your own petunia hanging basket masterpiece:

Materials you will need:

Firstly, prepare your basket for planting by placing the liner inside the basket. This helps to hold the soil in place while allowing excess water to drain through. Add a layer of soil and then sprinkle in some slow-release fertilizer pellets. Gently add more soil and press down to compact.

Next, it’s time to plant your trailing petunias. For best results, choose young, healthy plants with thick stems and a good amount of foliage. Before planting, make sure the soil is moist. Place the plants into the soil at the desired spacing, ensuring that they have enough room to grow and trail out of the basket. Once all the plants are in, cover the roots completely with additional soil.

For the best petunia display, mix and match different colours to create a unique and eye-catching colour scheme, for instance, I’ve gone for a mix of red and white flowers. As the plants grow, use scissors or garden shears to trim off any dead or discoloured leaves, and make sure the soil stays moist.

Petunia Hanging Basket

To help your petunias continue to thrive and maintain their vibrant colour, consider fertilizing them once a week with a water-soluble fertilizer. So, for an extra boost, try using a slow-release fertilizer every few weeks. Also, remember to deadhead any spent flowers to encourage new growth and prolong the blooming season.

With these tips, you’re sure to get your petunia hanging basket started on the right note. With proper care and attention, your hanging basket of trailing petunias will bloom all season long. Hopefully, providing a beautiful and eye-catching display for all to enjoy!

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